Think outside the box, after you know what's in it! Decode any mac serial number, enter a mac's serial number here and squeeze all available info out of it. By registering your radio online, it helps, if your radio ever needs to be.
Icom America supports and validates radio warranty repairs based on the serial number. Im looking for a high serial number unit. IC 7200 Out of Stock Everywhere - Where to Backorder? Icom squeezes an extra hundred out of the people that. First units, used Motorola SRF-J7044 MOSFETs. There are two types of final amplifiers for these rigs. This page is devoted to the repair of an ICOM IC-706 MkIIG final amplifier. Does anyone know how to tell what number the PA board would have on any particular unit? Further, does Rev.12 only apply to USA models or to 7700s worldwide?ĮB5AGV's Workbench: Icom IC-706 MkIIG final amplifier repair A new life for old-type power amps. 12 PA board that seems to have solved the issue. I've read about newer units with the Rev. There is no Icom dealer here in Hong Kong and so if this unit does join the Blown Finals Club I'd have to go through the dealer to have the unit shipped back to Japan and endure all the associated hassle that would entail. I'm tempted to pull the trigger on a brand new IC-7700 that's sitting in my local dealer's shelf (as he's offering a good price for it).